Monthly Archives: December 2013

Healthy Holiday Habits: Moderation, Exercise And Not-so-rich Recipes—crucial-data-released-231403591.html

When eating healthy turns obsessive

Frosted Christmas cookies 200-plus calories Alternative: smaller cookies with no frosting Exercise: Walking 3.5 miles an hour can burn 120-178 calories per half hour, O’Dell said. Considering you’ll probably have two cookies, you better make that a full hour. Candy canes 60 calories, all sugar Alternative: Use the candy canes as decorations instead of snacks, O’Dell said, as they have zero nourishment. Or use them to stir in your tea, then toss them, Forsberg said. Exercise: Holiday cooking burns 75-100 calories per half hour.
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Study says eating healthier does cost more, by a little … on the front end

Make your first trip for vegetables and salad (bring a veggie tray to share if menu choices are in doubt). The challenge: You’re eating out a lot. Stay-healthy strategy: Make a plan. If you don’t think about dinner until dinnertime, you’re likely to end up eating out or bringing takeout home. The problem with that: The meals you get out are typically packed with more calories, carbs and fat than those you’d make at home. Keep healthy staples on hand to whip up a quick dinner: Canned beans and tuna, whole-wheat pasta and couscous, frozen veggies and shrimp are all good choices. Or set up meals to be ready when you get home.
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Side-step healthy-eating obstacles during the holidays

Nontraditional approach keeps family-owned  gym business fit

Moodley knew she had a problem, but she didn’t view it as an eating disorder. Although she had been a self-described “emotional overeater” for most of her life, the naturally slim Moodley had never been concerned about her weight, nor had she ever purged after her binges. Her unhealthy fixation with healthy food was something else, and it was years before she realized it had a name: orthorexia. Orthorexia is not an official diagnosis.
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Healthy holiday habits: Moderation, exercise and not-so-rich recipes

Chunk light tuna has less mercury than albacore. Have it on hand for quick meals such as tuna salad sandwiches or tuna on green salads. Tuna cost about 27 cents per ounce. (Note: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that pregnant women, women of childbearing age and children limit their consumption of canned tuna. The FDA advises these groups to eat no more than 6 ounces of white, or albacore tuna, and no more than 12 ounces of chunk light tuna, each week.) Source: Melissa Joy Dobbins, registered dietitian, and spokesperson, Academy garcinia cambogia of Nutrition and Dietetics; Dec.
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